Marie-Vincent Foundation dreamed of being able to provide services to teenage boys and girls who have experienced sexual violence. Our dream has finally come true!
Several months ago, we began to meet with adolescents who have experienced sexual violence. We set up new therapy rooms to best meet their needs.
We now offer services to victims of all types of sexual violence: sexual assault, sexual exploitation, intimate-partner violence, online sexual violence and more.
We offer young people a number of services:
- Psychosocial assistance services for adolescents: to support adolescents after they disclose their experience of sexual violence. Workers accompany teens through various processes: socio-legal, medical exam, police interview, request for compensation from Indemnisation des victimes d’actes criminels (IVAC, Québec’s crime-victim compensation service) and
- Needs assessment: This helps to better understand the impact of sexual violence on the teen’s functioning.
- Treatment: This aims to resolve trauma and help the young person get back to a normal life, feeling less burdened.
Thanks to everyone who has helped us achieved this project !
- CPL Solutions
- ACDF* architecture
- Fondation Jeunesse-Vie
- TELUS Community Investment committee
- Silver Dollar Foundation
- Ken Devost
- Daniel Gascon
Daniel Gascon and Ken Devost