What to do in case of doubts or disclosure?

If you are concerned, report the situation to the Director of Youth Protection (DYP) in your region.

You don’t need to be certain or to have proof in order to report a situation. You can contact the DYP to share information about a situation that you feel concerned about, considering a child’s disclosures to you, or the child’s or parents’ attitudes or behaviours. The DYP will assess the situation and determine whether measures should be taken to protect the child.

How do you report?

You can report the situation by contacting the DYP in your region, seven days a week, 24 hours a day. The name of the person reporting is confidential.

Am I required to report?

Any person, parent or professional who works with children, any employee in the health and social services network, teachers, educators working in day-care centres, and police officers must report all sexual abuse situations. To learn more, consult the document “Filing a Report with the DYP Is Already Protecting a Child.”

What should I do if a child confides in me?

  • Remain calm in front of the child.
  • Remain open to the child and don’t judge them.
  • Reassure the child.
  • Tell the child they made the right decision by telling you about their situation.
  • Make it clear that you believe them.
  • Do not promise that you will keep the secret they have told you.
  • Don’t question the child unduly; let them speak freely.
  • Suggestive questions can influence the child.
  • Write down what the child said as soon as possible.

A child or teenager who is a victim of sexual violence needs to feel supported and protected by their parents or other significant adults in their lives.

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