Marie-Vincent would like to highlight the exceptional contribution of Pierre Clermont who, for the third year in a row, has taken on an athletic challenge in support of our mission. In the spring of 2024, Mr. Clermont set himself the goal of running a solo ultramarathon from Varennes to Quebec City, a distance of 258 km in 72 hours! Due to the dangerous road conditions and lack of a shoulder on Route 132, he turned back. Finally, from May 1 to 2, Pierre Clermont ran an impressive 145 km in 19 hours. To complete his challenge, he had the support of friends and family, who helped him with supplies and refreshments on several occasions. Otherwise, he was on his own throughout the expedition!
It was the 1976 Montreal Olympics that got Pierre Clermont hooked on running. He had a career in track and field until the late 80’s, favouring the 400m and 800m distances. Recurring injuries to his Achilles heel gradually led him to take an interest in long distance endurance running.
He has dedicated his athletic challenges to a number of causes, including helping disabled children in Boucherville-Varennes, and it was in 2020 that he discovered the Marie-Vincent Foundation. Having suffered sexual violence as a child, it was natural for him to dedicate his activities to young people who have experienced the unimaginable.
Pierre Clermont has a message for young victims of sexual violence:
“Never underestimate your strength and your ability to face the challenges that can make you lose your way. There will always be someone you can trust to help you and give you hope. Confide in them, tell them what you’re going through, don’t be afraid. There’s always a way out. If I could have had a helping hand when I was young, I’d have taken it!”
We would like to congratulate Pierre Clermont and thank him for associating his athletic achievements with our cause. We hope that his remarkable actions will inspire others, whether to support Marie-Vincent’s mission or to give victims the courage to come out of the shadows.
Are you interested in organizing an event or challenge for Marie-Vincent? Check out our news section dedicated to third party events or contact us for more details!