Ages 5 to 20
1 800 263-2266 (24/7)
Text (8 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.): 514 600-1002
A judgment-free, confidential space where you can ask for information and find someone ready to listen. By phone, text or chat.
Kids Help Phone
Ages 5 to 20
1 800 668-6868 (24/7)
Text: Text CONNECT to 686868
A countrywide bilingual service for young people aged 20 and under who need to talk to a professional
Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline
1 833 900-1010 (24/7)
Are you a human trafficking victim or survivor? This hotline can put you in contact with social and emergency services or any organization that could help you with the legal side of things.
SOS Violence Conjugale
1 800 363-9010 (24/7)
Text: 438 601-1211
Do you worry about your relationship? Have you identified violent behaviours in your relationship? SOS Violence Conjugale can help you find the support you need.
Crime, ça suffit!
Are you a victim of a crime committed by another teenager? You have rights. To see things more clearly, visit this website
Drugs: Help and Referral
1 800 265-2626 (24/7)
Are you worried about your drug or alcohol use? This is a great place to find some help.
Gambling: Help and Referral
1 800 461-0140 (24/7)
Are you worried about your gaming (gambling, video games, online and offline)? This is a great place to find some help.
Anorexia and Bulimia Québec (ANEB)
1 800 630-0907 (8:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.)
Text: 1 800 630-0907 (11 a.m. to 8 p.m.)
Think you might be suffering from an eating disorder? Do you have questions, need advice or someone ready to listen? You can call, chat or write to ANEB
SOS Grossesse
1 877 662-9666 (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.)
Need to talk about contraception, pregnancy or interruption of pregnancy? Give them a call.
You can contact NeedHelpNow if you need help to stop the spread of sexual pictures or videos. You’ll find advice on how to handle the situation on their website.
1 888 505-1010
You’ve got questions or concerns about sexual diversity, gender diversity or your own sexual orientation? You can talk to Interligne professionals by calling their hotline
Deuil Jeunesse
1 855 889-3666
Are you grieving? Are you dealing with a serious illness, the death of a loved one or a loss due to parental separation, abandonment, adoption or a disappearance? Call Deuil Jeunesse.
Ligne Parents
1 800 361-5085 (24/7)
Are you a parent or about to be? Ligne Parents is there for you, to listen and to provide support.