The only clear sign that a child under 5 years old is a victim of sexual violence is a disclosure, a verbalization. No psychological or behavioural symptom can be exclusively linked with sexual violence toward a young child. The following symptoms are common among young children who are victims of sexual violence, but could also be the manifestation of other difficulties in their lives:
- Sexual behaviour problems.
- Somatic problems, such as bed-wetting and stool soiling of underwear.
- Anxiety.
- Social isolation behaviours.
- Developmental delays.
Sexual violence toward a young child may include one or more types of sexual acts or activities:
- Fondling (breasts, thighs, buttocks, penis, vulva, anus).
- Sexual kisses (tongue kisses).
- Masturbation.
- Oral-genital contact (mouth contact with the private parts).
- Penetration or attempted penetration (vaginal or anal with the penis, fingers or objects).
- Sexual exploitation.
- Other activities of a sexual nature.
- Exhibitionistic behaviour (when someone shows their private parts in public).
- Voyeuristic behaviour (when someone watches a person or group of people who are naked or in private).
- Exposure to pornography.