For the past four years, the family foundation established by Sherri Israel and Eric Kimmel has dedicated itself to the Montreal community with a focus on the crucial issues of mental health, sexual abuse and poverty. An essential partner of Marie-Vincent, the foundation has already made a difference through its commitment to the most vulnerable in society.
The story behind the foundation’s decision to support Marie-Vincent really began with the children of Israel and Kimmel. Even before the foundation was created, Eric drew up a shortlist of a handful of Montreal-based organizations that might be the recipient of their donation. He gave the list to his children and wife and asked them to choose which organization to support. They picked Marie-Vincent.
For Eric, the impact of this partnership has gone well beyond financial support:
“The specific impact of our commitment to Marie-Vincent is that it has opened the door to a dialogue with my children, the people around me, and my community in general about my own experience of sexual abuse. What moved me most is that I did not force my children to choose Marie-Vincent. So for me, it was very special, because our donation means we will help other children victims of sexual violence.”
Eric Kimmel has high hopes for the future of Marie-Vincent:
“My wish for Marie-Vincent’s future goes beyond simply hoping that it will continue to support children in the Montreal region. I also hope that it will be able to do so quickly by expanding access to its services so that the young victims who turn to this organization can receive the assistance they so urgently need.”
The Eric & Sherri Kimmel Family Foundation embodies the importance of community involvement and the tangible impact on the organizations it supports. The entire Marie-Vincent team would like to express its profound gratitude to the family for their precious support and their contribution to our mission to help young victims of sexual violence.