The Marie-Vincent Montérégie Child & Youth Advocacy Centre (CAEJ) celebrated its very first anniversary on March 15! Over 60 partners and donors attended our open house event, while our Marie-Vincent clinicians provided visitors with several guided tours of our new centre. “The opening of the Montérégie CAEJ is an incredible and meaningful realization but, more importantly, the result of a collective effort over several years! Providing better access to our services was one of the projects supported by our major fundraising campaign because 30% of the children on our waiting list lived in this region. Its impact is undeniable: in the past year, nearly 500 hours of intervention were provided to 71 children and teenagers,” declares Marie-Vincent Executive Director Stéphanie Gareau.
Meeting a wonderful challenge head on
This significant step is the culmination of collective efforts and the determination of both the region and Marie-Vincent to support young victims of sexual violence. “This wonderful project has been made possible thanks to a devoted team, the support of a committed community, a steadfast steering committee and resolute partners, not to mention the extraordinary generosity of our donors,” adds Montérégie Centre Director Sonia Lessard.
Interesting tours and conversations
Throughout the event, visitors got the opportunity to discover the centre and learn more about the different services offered by Marie-Vincent, such as psychosocial and psychotherapeutic services, prevention programs and training for professionals. They were also able to meet the Marie-Vincent team and talk with partners and donors in attendance that day.
Joining a team to help more young people
The Marie-Vincent Human Resources team took advantage of this event to organize their own open house focused on recruiting new team members. They were on hand to greet candidates interested in working at Marie-Vincent. “In our organization, each team member is an asset, helping us build a protective community each day,” notes Stéphanie Gareau.
The Montérégie Centre currently has 10 employees and is still looking to hire psychotherapists for children and adolescents to help more young victims of sexual violence.
“The impact of our work since we opened our doors is tangible. And it is together that we will be able to continue to change things and to allow these young people who overcame the unimaginable to look toward a more hopeful future,” sums up Stéphanie Gareau.