The beginning of a beautiful relationship
It all started in 2019. The Association Alexis Danan de Bretagne first heard of the Lantern Program during Marie-Vincent’s presentation at the CIFAS (Congrès international francophone sur l’agression sexuelle) in Montpellier that June. And just a few months later, that same fall, the process of launching Lantern in France had begun. The program will be offered by the Association Alexis Danan de Bretagne; its field of expertise is supporting young victims and their families as they navigate the judicial system, from the moment a report has been filed.
And that is what led to Sophie’s trip to France: once there, she taught six Association Alexis Danan de Bretagne team members all they need to know so they too can teach future Lantern Program trainers. This 5-day training allowed team members to explore the program’s fundamentals and Marie-Vincent’s values, and to experiment with some hands-on learning. Sophie made the most of every opportunity to share our knowledge, practices and insights.
A day was also set aside to present the Lantern Program to community and political partners in the youth protection sector. This included both an online and an in-person presentation which helped reach over a hundred people from the community, early childhood and preschool sectors.
Certification by Marie-Vincent
Once the training has been completed and participants have received their Marie-Vincent certification, these new trainers can teach early childcare workers how to use Lantern tools thanks to Lantern Program’s Module 1 and Module 2, exactly as we do here in Québec (for the community sector, at present).
Alexis Danan de Bretagne is also implementing the Child Witness program, in collaboration with the CAVAC team in Gatineau.
Marie-Vincent is extremely proud of its contribution toward the growth of this prevention program—such a great opportunity to see our protective community reach far beyond the borders of Québec!