The importance of protecting and promoting the rights and wellfare of children around the world is a constant preoccupation. With this in mind, on the occasion of World Children’s Day, Marie-Vincent wants to highlight the extraordinary courage and resilience of Karine and her daughter, both of whom have been treated and supported by our professionals.
Their story, recently brought to light by Patrick Lagacé on 98.5 FM and in La Presse, highlights the transformative impact of the support provided by Marie-Vincent.
Listen to the radio interview | Read the article
About two years ago, the lives of mother and daughter were turned upside down when the girl confided that she had been sexually assaulted by a member of their extended family. Sadly, this is not an isolated case; 90% of the young victims supported by Marie-Vincent know their abuser, and in nearly 75% of cases, the perpetrator is a member of the immediate or extended family.1
This courageous disclosure triggered a series of interventions: contacts were made with law enforcement and youth protection authorities, and a preliminary police interview was conducted at Marie-Vincent.
Karine and the child’s father were provided with immediate services by Marie-Vincent. The young victim began individual therapy with Anne-Charlotte Givern-Héroux, a psychosocial professional who works with families at Marie-Vincent, followed by group therapy to better meet her specific needs. During that time, Karine had parental support services from another psychosocial professional with Marie-Vincent.
On her recent visit to our offices, Karine spoke movingly:
“Marie-Vincent has had a life-changing impact on us. There, we found a safe haven, a comforting and deeply human environment. With the help we received from the extraordinary team, my daughter and I were able to gradually rebuild our lives.”
Karine is one of the parents who benefited from the parental support program in 2022-2023. That support was essential in her journey to rebuild herself as a mother and help her daughter feel supported and loved. With that in mind, Marie-Vincent wants to elevate the support sought by the parents of young victims of sexual violence and children with sexual behaviour problems.
“When they arrive at Marie-Vincent, young victims of sexual violence and their loved ones are often defined by their traumatic history. Through personalized support and their own courage, those events slowly cease to define them. They can begin to take control of their own narrative and find hope,” says Anne-Charlotte.
In 2022-2023, 351 young people received services from Marie-Vincent, demonstrating the magnitude of Marie-Vincent’s mission to support young victims of sexual violence.
Every day, the multidisciplinary team and dedicated partners of Marie-Vincent offer a full range of essential services – law enforcement, medical, psychosocial, sociolegal and psychotherapeutic – on its premises. This integrated approach has been essential to the recovery of people like Karine and her daughter.
Their story is a powerful example of the vulnerability, but also the inner strength of every young person, and of the human capacity to guide, protect and inspire. Let us remember the importance of supporting young victims, offering them a better future and helping them regain hope after having lived through the unimaginable.
¹ Chaire de recherche interuniversitaire Marie-Vincent sur les agressions sexuelles envers les enfants.
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