Marie-Vincent’s team is thrilled to announce the launch of its new range of training courses designed for:
- professionals in the socio-judicial sector;
- school staff at the primary and secondary levels;
- members of the health and social services network;
- the early childhood sector.
And we’ve even created asynchronous training courses for greater flexibility!
Let’s improve our skills, together, to help prevent sexual violence and support children, tennagers and their families.
Professionals in the socio-judicial sector
Professionals in the socio-judicial sector play a key role in supporting children victim of sexual violence and their loved ones throughout their socio-judicial trajectory.
The Marie-Vincent team provides several training methods to help them carry out their work:
- * New! “Accompagner l’enfant victime de violence sexuelle et ses proches à travers la trajectoire sociojudiciaire” e-training
- “Les connaissances de base sur la violence sexuelle envers les jeunes et ses conséquences” e-training
- “Entrevue non suggestive à l’aide du guide du National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)” training (5 days – available in English)
Learn more about the NICHD training
Learn more about our e-training courses
These training courses are available thanks, in part, to the financial support of the Ministère de la Justice du Québec.
School staff at the primary and secondary levels
For the primary level, two three-hour training courses are offered free of charge to all school personnel throughout Québec. The following training is now available in French:
- Les comportements sexualisés et le dévoilement de violence sexuelle des enfants âgés de 6 à 12 ans en contexte scolaire
Places are limited.
To see the complete schedule and to register, click here.
These training courses are available thanks to the financial support of the Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec.
For the secondary level, two French training courses are offered free of charge to all school personnel throughout Québec:
- Prévention et intervention en contexte de cyberviolence sexuelle : les meilleures pratiques – Module 1 (90 minutes)
- Implantation d’une stratégie concrète de prévention de la cyberviolence sexuelle par les pairs (APP) – Module 2 (3.5 hours)
These training courses are available thanks to the financial support of the Secrétariat à la jeunesse du Québec.
Are you interested in leading activities that deal with sexuality education or sexual violence prevention in your sector? This 90-minute training course is offered free of charge to all school personnel at the secondary level across Québec:
- Delicate Spots web game: an interactive educational strategy for sexuality education and prevention of sexual violence
A few places are still available for the 2024 Winter-Spring session.
Click here to register.
These training courses are available thanks to the financial support of the Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec.
Members of the health and social services network
Several training courses are offered free of charge to members of the health and social services network. The next training session starts on February 1, 2024. Don’t miss this opportunity – register today to reserve your place!
This Winter and Spring, our programming includes:
- 6 webinars
- 5 regular training courses
- 2 specialized training courses
Three French e-training courses are also available, so you can listen at your own pace and whenever it suits you:
- Les connaissances de base sur la violence sexuelle envers les enfants et ses conséquences
- L’intervention en contexte de dévoilement d’une violence sexuelle ou dans une situation de soupçon + Atelier de consolidation
- Les comportements sexuels chez les enfants : quand le normal devient problématique + Atelier de consolidation
Click here to see the complete schedule and to register.
These training courses are available thanks to the financial support of the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec.
Personnel in the early childhood sector
The Lantern Program has been available for several years and is designed to prevent sexual violence against young children aged 0 to 5 through positive sexuality education and the promotion of egalitarian relationships.
The Lantern training course is offered free of charge to home childcare providers. It is also available to those working in other environments at an affordable price.
These training courses are available thanks to the financial support of the Ministère de la Famille du Québec and the Public Health Agency of Canada.
Asynchronous training courses accessible to all!
Marie-Vincent also provides those interested with the opportunity to watch pre-recorded webinars or take our e-training courses.
Starting from $40.
Customized training
Are you looking for a training that meets your team’s specific needs? Would you like to take advantage of our collaborative, co-creation approach?
Contact us by email at: