Site icon Marie-Vincent Foundation

Information regarding coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

At the Marie-Vincent Foundation, the health of our clients, partners and staff is always our priority.

We have introduced several preventive measures to limit the spread of the virus.

About our services

Preventive measures

We are asking all employees and visitors not to come to Marie-Vincent:

Physical distancing

We are asking our employees and visitors to:

A solid transparent partition (plexiglass) protects our receptionist, the children, families and partners. Transparent solid partitions may also be used in police investigation rooms and therapy rooms.

Hygiene measures

Hand washing

All visitors are asked to wash their hands upon arrival and departure from Marie-Vincent.

A hand sanitizer dispenser is located at the reception desk, along with a poster explaining how to wash hands properly. Several dispensers are installed elsewhere in the centre.

Wearing a mask

Masks for adults and children are available at the reception desk.

Wearing a mask is mandatory for all adults walking in the corridors of Marie-Vincent, since the 2-metre distance is hard to respect.

Cleaning of premises and equipment

Special attention is being paid to the cleaning of the premises, furniture, games and equipment:

Thank you all for your understanding and cooperation!

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